At All Saints Lutheran Church, we believe in the grace, hope and love of Jesus for all people. We are an open and welcoming community, a Reconciling in Christ congregation, and a member of the St. Paul Area Synod of the ELCA.
Contact us for more information about All Saints
Contact us for more information about All Saints
View our Welcome Statement and Core Values

What our Members Say
I am grateful to be part of a faith community where we are encouraged to grow by wrestling with difficult questions and connecting faith to all facets of daily life. All Saint’s children’s ministry and annual youth mission trip have provided my children the opportunity to expand their view of the world and grow through service to others.
Our church has built a unique relationship out of love, not guilt, conquest or obligation. This theme and community has transformed my faith and shaped how I live my daily life.
After college and moving back to Eagan, there wasn't a second thought on where I'd attend church, and where I'd bring my daughters to learn about God, be baptized, and confirmed. The personal environment is extremely welcoming, friendly and the Pastor's approach to God and the world is respectful of all.
The people...the people are the reason I keep showing up. The acceptance of the congregation and the kindness shared makes the environment a really enjoyable one.

All Saints Lutheran Church
3810 Lexington Avenue South
Eagan, MN 55123